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Sapa, Vietnam




When we discuss nature, we always refer to the environment without us. However, we are part of the nature. The “real nature” includes our activities, so it is also our responsibility to protect, conserve, and improve the “real nature”. The design addresses the “real nature”, artificialness + nature, “Artinature”. 
Humans and the mother Earth co-create the Sapa’s unique landscape. To celebrate this, the design begins by carving into the site. Then the building symbolizes human activities is added to the exact location. In this way, culture and nature are blended into a new entity. 

The thermal mass of the ground and structure together with site orientation, shading screen, kinetic facade, and rainwater collecting pond addresses the energy and water issues through both passive and active (technology) means. The exposed roof and sides of the building will provide additional surfaces to continue the greeneries and form a new ecology including humans. 

This design together with the artificial/natural landscape creates a unique scene without competing for attention. It is a humble yet essential character in a scene.  

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